Home made liver pills
photo: www.truorganicbeef.com
Improve blood quality, liver health and detox without the taste of liver!
No supplement will help to build iron, ferritin and provide active B vitamins like these magic ´pills´.
Fresh liver, preferably pasture raised. Lamb´s liver is always a safe bet.
Rinse the liver well and pat dry.
Cut into pill-size bites that will be comfortable to swallow.
Spread the liver pieces on a piece baking / parchment paper. This will prevent them from sticking together..
The next day (after they freeze), place the liver pieces from the paper into a tupperware box. Keep them in the freezer for 14 days before you start taking them. This period of time ensures that the raw liver will be perfectly safe for consumption.
Take your frozen liver supplement with water before or with each meal.