Immunity - can you protect your child from getting sick? Online course for parents

Soon after schools and daycare start, the weather changes. Due to the temperature drop in the autumn months, it’s easier to catch all sorts of microbes. Parents often feel guilty about the frequent infections, not only because of missed work and school but most importantly, child’s discomfort . If you want to know how to best support your little ones during this sensitive period and beyond, this course is for you. In an easy to understand manner, I will address the most common concerns:

  • how child’s immune system differs from adult’s - reasons to act differently

  • how often can children get sick and how long can it last

  • why some children get sick more often than other

  • what damages the immune system

  • best practices for strong immunity vs marketing promises

  • popular immune ‘boosters’ vs antimicrobial agents

    Bonus: recipes for immune health

After this course, you will never think about immunity the same way.

When: 20 September 2021, 20:00-21:30 CEST

Where: ZOOM live, the course won’t be recorded

Investment: €30 (you will receive the link to the event in the afternoon on the 20th of Sept)
